by Burt Cotton
If you have been using the web for sometime the more you will become aware that you will need help to get to the sites you want. It is not so much of a problem if you know the URLs and the specific sites you would want to visit. However limiting yourself to the few sites that you have been acquainted and trusted over the months, limits your capability and ignores the true power of the web.
Browsing though the web will lead you to millions of web pages and create a huge index of words that it contains. What you would probably need if you were searching for specifics is to think laterally. For example if you are searching for free computer game download with a specific game in mind, here are a few suggestions.
The web portals can be divided into two broad categories. Those that uses text searching and those that are organized into subjects and topics. With those that are organized into subject and topics i.e. Yahoo! (, You will have to download successive web pages to find the sites you are interested in. although when you visit a site organized into this category, all that you have to do is point your mouse and click. You do not have to type anything at all. If you are looking for very specific information you can take advantage of text searching.
Most web engines such as Yahoo, MSN, BBC, etc., have a very wide variety of free computer game download for both action games and puzzle games. MSNs Gaming Zone offers a variety of multi-player games. Examples are Galactic Battlegrounds, Age of Empires etc. If you are looking for old computer games that you have enjoyed and want to download again, try Google and other search engines and you are most likely will find one if not a good variation. You can also find a website out there, That has hundreds upon hundreds of almost every game that has been known that are free computer game downloads.
To play the games in its original code, you will first have to download an emulator. Once done, you should be plating the game in its code through the emulator. A good link to find an almost complete list of emulators where you can find one that will suit the engine you are using is the http:/, where you can also download the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator or the MAME. Once the emulator is download is completed, and you have unzipped to a directory in your hard drive (/mame32), you are prepared to download for your free computer game download.
The following are websites that can provide your free computer game downloads from almost every genre of the game.
· PC Game World. - Searching can be done by type or alphabetically. PC Game World has thousands of hot computer downloadable games.
· - Aside from games this site can also be very useful for finding other files for you computer.
· Alive Games - The site offers a wide variety of computer games form arcade, strategy, action, pool and puzzles.
· DOS Games. Com. - provides hundreds of classic games running on the DOS operation system.
· DOS Games Archive. - Free computer game downloads that are shareware, freeware and playable demos. The site also has full game versions that have been released free to the public domain.
Burt Cotton
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